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Building an Empire One Student Athlete at a Time


Georgetown Royals Sports Boosters Statement to the Community


Georgetown Royals Sports Boosters are parents and community members who support the athletic program through funding and communications.  Leadership, good sportsmanship, and team pride are valuable components which promote the social and educational value of our student-athletes as they become productive adult citizens.   


Our students have been hit hard in this pandemic.  Social isolation, drastic changes in their routines, and minimal physical exercise take a toll on the physical and emotional state. Sports, through proper mitigation strategies, will enhance mood and physical health in our children, enhance peer and family support, and promote community in our town.

We are committed to safely promoting sports in our community.


Donate Today!

COVID-19. Play Safe
CDC Guide To Sports
EEA Guidelines
Coach Checklist

Want to learn more?


Attend a meeting

GRSB meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month at the GMHS library at 7PM, unless posted otherwise.  All subcommittees will plan on meeting at 6PM, prior to the general meeting, unless posted otherwise. 


Join a Committee

No experience necessary! Please consider joining one of one committees - short term or long term.  Board members are welcome. Subcommittee includes fundraising, communications, marketing, membership, team parent representative. 


No experience necessary! Please consider volunteering for an event, a project, concessions & merchandise sales, board member or team parent representative. 



Please consider donating to our 501c(3) Tax Except Organization. Proceeds will support the GMHS athletic needs. Please see our "Wish List" for an up-to-date list. Donations can be made by check (made payable to GRSB) and mailed to 4 Long View Way, Georgetown, MA 01833 or donations can be made online below. 






Stay Tuned the Flamingos will be back(2021)

Details to follow

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