Something exciting is happening in Georgetown. Special guests have been invited. They have never been here before and we are very excited for their visit!
Just wait! Flamingo's are coming May 1st to our neighbor near you!
We will need your help with these special visitors! We are offering community service hours to students for helping us "flock" the the yards of Georgetown for the month of May!
We will be raising money for the GMHS "Wish List"
Wrestling & cheer mats ~ Goals for soccer, field hockey & LAX ~ Football helmets & pads ~ Volleyball nets & poles Scoreboard tables ~ Dugouts & cubbies ~ Basketball Floor update ~ Small Gym Backboards ~ Weight room updates ~ New gym speakers ~ Mens & wind banners ~ Portable Press Box & Tower for turf ~ Updates all athletic banners ~ Trophy Case ~ Pop up Tent
You won't believe who is coming to Georgetown!
Guess who?

Guess when?

Guess how?